No Sound...?
What happened to the sound? I couldn't haer any! Please add some sound!
No Sound...?
What happened to the sound? I couldn't haer any! Please add some sound!
Pretty good, but , 'Chaoz Devotion' is better
At least in my opinion it is. This was still a rpetty good audio track. I really enjoyed it, and it was pretty good!
I really liked it!
This was an awesome audio track. I loved it. I like how,a t the beginning, you added some extra sound effects. Great job!
I really liked this audio track!
This was, actually, a pretty cool audio track. I liked the fast-paced-ness, howeve,r like one other reviewer, I don't really know how this would fit menus. I guess that ti could be a little less... scratchy, or whatever. But, good job!
Not Bad, Actually
I kind of like this audio track. I like the voices in the background. Maybe just make it a little bit logner. Good job!
Not Bad
This isn't a bad audio track, but it's kind of short... It might make a good loop, or something like that. I downloaded it. :) Just make it longer, maybe! :)
Not Bad, I guess...
Well, this wasn't a bad audio track, but that bass and high-hat are kind of annoying, becuase I hear them often with FruityLoops. However, like two other reviewers (I think) mentioned, this audio track had a lot of effort put into it.
Punk-O-Matic Inspiration...?
I get the feeling that you were inspired by Punk-O-Matic somewaht when you created this. It was a good song; I lvoe teh drumming. But it'sa bit short, and it loops over itself. Oh, and the guitars don't really sound like guitars.
Actually, Not Bad!
I thought that this wasn't a bad audio track. It wasn't very original, as one other reviewer mentioned, but I guess it's good for a first try. The guitar was kind of loud, though, adn tehre was barely any drumming.
Yeah, the guitar was a lot softer when I was modifying it on Audacity, don't know what happened. The drummign blended in with the guitar pretty mcuh the whole time, so I probably should've fixed that. Thanks for the review.
Not Bad
Well, I love the song 'East Hastings' by Godspeed You! Black Emproer (which is the only song I've heard the whole thing by them). Anyway, I like the gutiar, but the bass that constantly went 'wach-wach', or wahteve,r kind of wrecked it.
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Age 31, Male
Posion Drinker
Joined on 11/23/05