Insert Message Here (24th in all-time reviews, 14th in all-time review responses)

Age 31, Male

Posion Drinker


Joined on 11/23/05

Exp Points:
10,580 / 10,670
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.28 votes
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Frenzy's News

Posted by Frenzy - April 1st, 2010

Original Thread

I had the idea to make this thread while looking through the Clubs & Crews forum. Since the search bar oftentimes doesn't turn up what you want, I decided to make this as a reference point for what Clubs & Crews already exist. This is organized by category, rather than my previous list organized alphabetically.

If I missed your club/crew, then post here with the name of your club/crew and a link to it. I believe I have almost every single active club, though.

Thanks, and enjoy!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Before we begin...

Important Threads

BBS Rules
CCIndex - Alternate Clubs & Crews List
~The C&C Regulars Lounge~
Evasive Clubs; Start-up Checklist
Late Night Lounge
Read This Before Making A Club!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Definitive Clubs & Crews List...


Art Portal Patrol
Collection Suggestion Crew
Department Of Defense
Elite Guard Barracks
Genre Mod Crew
Icon Maker Club
New Club
News Comment Request Club
NG Trivia
Police Dept.
Police Headquarters
Profile Pic Makers
Rate Me club!
Review Request Club
Sig Makers
Userpage Designers
Walkthrough Club
Whistle Club

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Flash Movies & Games

Adventure Quest
Happy Tree Friends
Happy Wheels
Madness Combat
Punk-O-Matic Song Raters
Room Escape Games
Skate Flash
The Little Fighter

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Video Games

Square Enix

Banjo Kazooie

Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS Wifi
Nintendo Wii
Xbox 360

Ace Combat
Advance Wars
Animal Crossing
Age of Empires
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare
Combat Arms
Command & Conquer
Crash Bandicoot
Counter-Strike: Source
Dead Frontier
Dynasty Warriors
Final Fantasy
Fire Emblem
Garry's Mod
Gears of War
Goldeneye 007
Grand Theft Auto
Guild Wars
Guitar Hero
Katamari Damacy
Kingdom Hearts
Left 4 Dead
Mass Effect
Metal Gear Solid
Mortal Kombat
Rainbow Six Vegas
Rock Band
RF Online
The Sims
Street Fighter
Super Smash Brothers
Team Fortress 2
Unreal Tournament
Warhammer Online
Warhammer 40.000
World Of Warcraft

First-Person Shooters

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Television & Movies

Adult Swim
American Idol
Beaking Bad
Boston Legal
British Satirical Comedy
Death Note
Doctor Who
Dragonball Z
Joss Whedon
Mighty Boosh
Naruto RP
The Office
The Simpsons
South Park
Stand-Up Comedy
Star Trek
Trailer Park Boys

Cinema Club
Horror (Genre)
Pixar Club
Star Wars

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Bob Dylan
Blink 182
Daft Punk
Dream Theater
Group X
Jimi Hendrix
Linkin Park
Mike Patton
Mindless Self Indulgence
Pink Floyd
Rage Against The Machine
Red Hot Chili Peppers
System of a Down
Tokio Hotel
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
"Weird" Al Yankovich

Drum & Bass
Jungle / Dubstep / Dnb
Metal Hell
Progressive Rock
Shoegaze & Dream Pop

Bass Guitar

Band Geeks
iPod Club
Lyrical Appreciation
Music Reviewers
Radio Podcast Club
Spotify Club
Vinyl Lovers

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


American Football
Athletic Crew
Football (Soccer)
Formula 1
Martial Arts
Newgrounds Gym
NHL Hockey

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Reading & Writing

Calvin And Hobbes
Comic Books
Disc World / Pratchett
Douglas Adams Fan Club
Harry Potter
Literature Lovers
Stephen King
Writer's Club
Writer's Guild

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Special Interests

Code Lyoko Rpg
Vampire Empire
Vampire Hunters
Viking Army

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Cultural & Religious

Asian Users
Australian Users
English Gentlemen's Club
Finland Club
German Users
Israeli Users
Italian Users
Phillipino (Pinoy) Users
Spanish Club

Jewish Users
Monk Crew
Satanic Community
Wiccan and Pagan Crew

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hobbies & Interests

Computer Construction
Computer Science
Creative Art
FBF Club
Ghosts / Supernaturals
Gun Club
Homework Review
Horticultural Society
Linux Users
Mac Users
Mental Health
Mobile Phone Enthusiasts
Parkour & Free Running
That Guy With The Glasses
War Crew

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Food & Drink

Chocolate Milk
Coca Cola
Dr. Pepper
Mountain Dew

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Alcoholics Anonymous
Autism Club
Badass Beard Brigade
College Life
Counseling Club
Facebook Users
Female Users
Gay Bears And Lovers
Gay/Bisexual Users
Google+ Circle
Old People's Home
Relationship Crew
Revision Break Lounge
Spread the love!
Stoner's Club
Tumblr Users
Twitter Users
Vegetarian Community

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Communist Regime
Free Rice Crew
Human Nationalist Movement

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And finally...
Go to the forum!

Posted by Frenzy - July 24th, 2009

These songs are by my band- leave some feedback on any or all of them please. Thanks!

Nihilanth - [I play guitar- read the video description for more]

Static Bones - [I play drums]

The Majestic IV: Resonance Cascade - [I play drums]

Questionable Ethics - [I play drums]

Statue of a Statue - [I play drums]

Aerospike Engine - [I play drums]

Nakazakicho Station - [I play drums and melodica]

Exoskeleton (Live) - [I play drums]


Posted by Frenzy - September 27th, 2008

Original Thread

I had the idea to make this thread while looking through the Clubs & Crews forum. Since the search bar oftentimes doesn't turn up what you want, I decided to make this as a reference point for what Clubs & Crews already exist.

If I missed your club/crew, then post here with the name of your club/crew and a link to it. I believe I have almost every single active club, though.

Thanks, and enjoy!

Part One

Ace Combat Crew
Adventure Quest Club.
American Football Crew
Animal Crossing Club
Anime Club
Asian users club
Atheist Army, The
Avgn Fan Club!, The

Bbs Female Users Club
Billiards Club
Bioshock Crew
Bleach Club
Blink 182 fan club
Boston Legal Attorneys
British Satirical Comedy Crew
Bucketheadland- Buckethead Fan Club
Burnout Series Club

Cabal Club
Call Of Duty 4: Clan Headquarter, The
Calvin And Hobbes club
Car Enthusiasts Club, The
Cat club!
Chocolate Milk Lovers Crew
Cinema Club
Code Geass Society
Code Lyoko Rpg
Collection Suggestion Crew, The
Combat Arms Official Clan
Command & Conquer Crew
conservative club
Cooking Club
Counseling Club

Daft Punk Club.
Dead frontier club.
Death Note Club
Disturbed Crew, The
Doctor Who Crew
Doujin Club
Dragonforce Club
Dream Theater Crew

Elite Guard Barracks
Endless Crew: Comic Book Club, The
English Gentlemen's Club
Evanesence Club

Fable Guild
Facebook Users Club
Final Fantasy Club
Finland Club/Suomi klubi
fire emblem crew
FoXeS Club!
Fps Crew
Furry Fans! Look here if curious.
Futurama club., Th

Garry's Mod Club (gmc), The
Gears of War Crew
German Crew, The
Ghost / Supernat. Club
Graffiti Crew
Grand Theft Auto Crew
Grindcore Gore Pit
Guitar Hero Gang

Heroes Club
Homework Review Club.
Horror Club, The
Human Nationalist Movement, The

Icon Maker Club
Industrial Crew.
iPod Club
Israelis Club

The Jack Bauer Power Hour (24 Club)
Jew Crew
Jimi Hendrix Club
Join the ClockCrew
Joss Whedon Crew

Katamari Damacy club
Kingdom Hearts Crew

Last.Fm Club
linkin park street team
Lyrical Appreaciation Congregation

Madness Combat Crew
MapleStory Crew
Major Leauge Baseball
Martial Arts Club
Mass Effect Club
Masturbation Club!
Metallithrashers, The
Metal Hell
Metroid club
Mighty Boosh Fan Club!
Mindless Self Indulgence Fan Club
Monk Crew
Mountain Dew Crew
Mugen Club
Muse Crew, The
Mythbusters Club

Naruto Club
Naruto RP Crew
Newgrounds Boxing Club
Newgrounds Christian Fellowship
Newgrounds Department Of Defense
Newgrounds Football Club - Ngfc
Newgrounds Gay/bisexual Users Club
Newgrounds Police Dept.
Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters
Newgrounds Profile Pic Makers.
Newgrounds Sig Makers
Newgrounds Tennis Club
Ng Airsoft/paintball group, The
NG Alcoholics Anonymous
NG Athletic Crew
NG Floydian Society.
NG Mafia
NG Pixar Club
N.g Police Headquarters
Ng Radio Podcast Club
Ng Satanic Community, The
NG Ska Crew
NG vampire Empire
Ng Viking Army
NG Wiccan and Pagan Crew
NHL Hockey Fan-Club

Offical Formula 1 Club, The

Photography Club
Pinoy club
Playstation Empire
Poetry Club, The
Post-Punk Appreciation Society
Progressive Rock Club
PS3's Online Lounge
Psych Crew
Punk-O-Matic Song Raters Crew (Psr)

Quake Club, The

Rage Against The Machine Fc
Rap Crew
Rate Me club!
Red Hot Chili Peppers Fanclub
Relationship Crew
Review Request Club
RF Online Crew
Rock Band (Harmonix) Club
Rollercoaster Crew
Room Escape Games Fan Club!!!
RPG club

Sonic Crew
Spanish Club
Spore Club
Sprite Club
Stand Up Comedy Crew, The
Star Trek Crew
Stoner's Club, The
Street Fighter Club
Super Smash Brothers Crew (Ssbc)
System of a Down club

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon Club
Team Fortress 2 Crew
Timesplitters Crew
Tokio Hotel crew.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra Club

Unreal Tournament Crew

Vampire Hunters Crew(RPC)

Walkthrough Club
War Crew, The
Warhammer Online Crew
Warhammer 40.000 Crew
World Of Warcraft (Wow) Club
World Runescape Club
Wrestling (WWE) Club, The
Writers Club
Writer's Guild

Xbox 360 club.



-Frenzy-'s New Club!
-Skate Flash Club-
=Mantel Corps=
.:[ Nintendo DS ] :. Club, The
.:[ Nintendo Wii ]:. Club, The
~[>_<]~ Doom Crew ~[>_<]~
!Dragonball Z Crew!
^!NG trivia crew!^
|-|~Mika Fan Club~|-|
+++The Zombie Survival Crew+++
;:+++Autsim Club+++;:
- The Sims Lounge -
~The Origami Club~
:Paramore Fan Crew:
<x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x>
"Weird" Al Yankovich Club
.·´¯`·-> The Primus Club <-·´¯`·.

Other Important Threads
BBS Rules
~The C&C Regulars Lounge~
Evasive Clubs; Start-up Checklist
Read This Before Making A Club!

Posted by Frenzy - November 19th, 2007

Hey, Element and I just created a new band, Gatling. You can check us out here and here.

We play experimental, avant-garde, rock, progressive, punk, metal, techno, drum'n'bass, etc.

Check it out, and leave comments!

- Gatling

Posted by Frenzy - October 22nd, 2007

Is anyone going out for Hallowe'en? What are you being?

Posted by Frenzy - October 1st, 2007

Pepper's Ghost
The Android of Notre Dame
Arc of the Pendulum
Goblin Shark
Nottingham Lace
Unrestrained Growth
Big Sur Moon
Carpal Tunnel Slug
Haven of Black Tar Pitch
Frankenseuss Laboratories
You Like Headcheese?
Woods of Suicides
Operation Gateway
The Hills Have Headcheese
Yellowed Hide
Jordan (Guitar Hero II Version)
All In The Waiting
Sketches of Spain (For Miles)
The Way to Heaven
Baptism of Solitude
Kansas Storm
Witches on the Heath
Angel Monster
Electric Tears
Spell of the Gypsies
We Are One (f. Serj Tankian)
Too Many Humans
The Black Forest
Coma (f. Azam Ali & Serj Tankian)
Three Fingers (f. Saul Williams)
The Treeman
Welcome to Bucketheadland

Dinner and a Movie
Isalnd of Shame
Making Friends
A Feedbag of Truckstop Poetry
Mr. Coffee
May 16
Heartbreaking Music
Falling Apart
Razor Burn
Status Pools

Godspeed You! Black Emperor:
East Hastings
Antennas to Heaven
9-15-00 (Part 1)
Rockets Fall on Rocket Falls
9-15-00 (Part 2)
The Dead Flag Blues

Explosions in the Sky:
Snow and Lights
Look Into the Air
A Song for Our Fathers
Time Stops
First Breath After Coma
Glittering Blackness
Remember Me as a Time of Day

More at a later date...

Posted by Frenzy - August 28th, 2007

I was originally going to post this in a topic called NG -- Why Your Username? (Or something like that.)The topic can be found here. Anyway, my username has a somewhat detailed history behind it, so I'll recount the details here.

I was (and still am) a big fan of the TV show 'Battlebots', and on it I remember there was a Battlebot called Frenzy. So that's where I got my name, but I didn't want my name to be just Frenzy (back when I amde my account), so I made it Frenzy_Bomb, and then put in a fake email on the new account form (I didn't know very much about NG and some of the content looked 'suspicious' to me). Then when I submitted it, it said that they had sent an E-mail to that E-mail address. So I thought, 'Crap.', and then I had to make another one with my real email address. I thought up Frenzy_Explosion, and then submitted it, and used for a while. I don't remember exactly when I stopped using it, but I used ti for a while.

Then I got to know NG abit more and realied that my name was slightly 'noob-ish'. So, I changed it to -Frenzy-, and then hastily changed it back to Frenzy_Explosion, wanting to know aht people in teh Review Rewuest Club thought of the change (I was very devoted to that club). They thought the change was for the better (most of them, I believe), so I changed it to -Frenzy-. Then when the name lockdown came and you couldn't have dashes (-) at the ends of your name, I tried to change my name to Frenzy, but someone already had that name! So I PMd TomFulp and aske dhim if he could change my name to Frenzy, like so many others did. He sent me an E-mail notifying me that my new Newgrounds username was know Frenzy, and the other Frenzy was now called Frenzy2.

And that's the history of my username!

Posted by Frenzy - August 25th, 2007

The Jetsons get kicked out of their house because Mr. Jetson gets fired because he and his friend crashed a hover jet into an gas tanker, and then his friend lit a cigarette, which he then threw in the fire, to Mr. Jetson's protests. It lights the factory on fire, but luckily everyone escapes.

Mr. Jetson's boss asks who started the fire, and the firend blames Mr. Jetson, who, despite his protests, is fired and hauled off to jail. His family pays the bail and he is back home in no time. He takes out a phone book and calls his friend and asks him to take the blame, but his friend refuses, and hangs up.

Mr. Jetson is forced to bring his family into a shelter for the homeless and then goes looking for another job. He is eventually employed as a computer engineer for the rich TYRANTCO. corporation. He works there for two years and mages to buy his house back, however he then learns that since his being fired, his friend that framed him has gone on to wealth and fame, and he also owns TYRANTCO., for which Mr. Jetson still works for.

Mr. Jetson goes to his boss and demands to see the head of the company. He is laughed at and thrown out, but is not fired. He then remembers the phone book he had 2 years ago. He takes it out, and, hoping the number is correct, hears the phone ringing.

His friend's wife picks up the phone and asks who it is. He says it is an old friend, and can he please speak to Thomas Delfonso (that's his friend's name). She says he isn't home, and he asks her to have him call him back. She complies and they both hang up at exactly same time.

He waits anxiously at the phone all day (it's a Saturday). He recieves several calls, but none from Thomas. He waits there all weekend and is then forced to go to work by his wife and children.

Mr. Jetson develops an obsession about Thomas Delfonso and slowly begins going crazy. One day he lights his desk on fire and throws the contents all over the building. During this process he wounds several people. He is then fired and sent to jail once again, where his family pays the bail, once again.

Three days later he recieves the call. Mr. Jetson disguises himself as a home designer and lies that he is going to redo their kitchen and wants his address. Delfonso suspiciously gives him their address and hangs up.

Mr. Jetson drives there right away and arrives at 3:30 in the morning. He packed a duffel bag with 3 pistols, 2 grenades (one fragmentation and one smoke) and a sniper rifle, and a pair of night-vision goggles. He throws a smoke grenade threw their window and knocks out both of them. He shoots their door open with a silenced pistol and walks in. He shoots Delfonso's wife, who is barely conscious, and then takes Delfonso out from his room. He is wearing a black balaclava, so Delfonso can't see him.

He knocks Delfonso out by punching him and then starts prying out the floorboards. Smoke has started seeping from the broken window and the fire department comes. Mr. Jetson disgusies himself as Thomas Delfonso by wearing his clothes and hairpiece and says that he fixing his toaster and smoke started come out. He then threw it out the window because it got hot. He says that he went down and got the toaster and brought it back into his house and finally fixed it, and then he says that he doesn't want any help. Although they don't appear to believe his story, they drive away, saying, "Well, it's his house."

Delfnso awakens shortly after this. Mr. Jetson shoots both his legs with the silenced pistol and puts him in the spot where the floor boards were. He then asks him, "Do you know you I am?" Delfonso whereily shakes his head and Mr. Jetson pulls off his mask. He then starts nailing the floorboards down. Delfonso tries to escape, but Mr. Jetson knocks him out again.

Delfonso awakens to total blackness. He notices a weight on his chest and realizes that it is a flashlight. He also sees a note to the right of him reading, 'Who's the burner now?' It appears to be written in blood. He then realizes he is chained (by the left leg) to a metal post under the floorboards. There is a gun with a single shot left in it next to the note. He flips the note over and reads,

'You can try and shoot the chain
But then there will be much pain"

Mr. Jetson signed his name to it, and dated it, too.

He ponders the idea for a while and then succumbs to the thought of escaping and shoots the chain. He misses. He then starts screaming for someone to help, but no one does. He dies 6 days later of starvation. During those six days, he started ripping apart his arm and eating it, but he vomited and realized he was dying of blood loss so just 'lay there, and died.'

Seven years later the police find him when the house is torn down. He is a skeleton, but the note, dusty and crimpled, still lies there. They realize that this is what happened to Thomas Delfonso and arrest Mr. Jetson at his house (he is now a rich billionaire, who owns a Medical Facility Devoted to Treating Cancer Victims and discovering new cures for cancer), Mr. Jetosn shoots two police officers, but one manages to be merely shot in the leg and requires reinforcements. The police surround his house. Mr. Jetson goes haywire and shoots his son and daughter, then chops his wifes leg off with a butcher knife and throws into the crowd around his house. He stabs his wife in the head and throws her, and his 2 children, out the window too. He then jumps out the window himself, firing widly into the crowd. Before the police can get to him, however, he shoots himself in the head.

Like it?

This story is (c) copyright 2007 Frenzy. %u2122

Link: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/71 8892

Posted by Frenzy - August 7th, 2007

Although the exact order/time of my animations are hazy (the early ones, anyway), I am attempting to render them in the right order. This is a chronoligization of my animations, starting from the first one I ever submitted to Newgrounds, right up to my most recent submission. There are some interesting facts in here, including things you may have not known about these animations. So, without further ado, here you are, my animations, chornologed by me:

2 Men and a Cinderblock
This was the first animation I ever submitted to Newgrounds. This was made using Macromedia Flash 8 and was of horrible quality. In fact, it was of such horrible quality that I can't even view it nowadays, because you had to right-click and press Play to view it, and I can't do that when importing it! I can barely even remember what the basic plot was, if it has any music, etc. All I remember was that there was some blood. It got a score of about 0.2457 at death or something like that. But hey, it was my first animation that I submitted!

The Tantrum
The Tantrum was a movie I made that might have actually passed, had I been better known when I ahd submitted it. It was basically a Madness clone with more of a plot: two guys are insulting each other and when one calls the other fat, he goes on a killing spree. The end of the movie sees him having an end to his Tantrum, and then a guy calls him dumb. His face turns red again... and it ends. This movie had no sound and, again, was quite crudely drawn. I didn't know how to use layers in Macromedia Flash (where this was made), so I eded up dragging bits of other people around occassionally. Overall, though, it was probably better than my last Flash.

Strange and Extremely
This was my first Flash with audio ('Dammit' by blink-182 to be precise [yes, that was back when I liked that kind of music]). This was back in the days when you had a 15-day ban from submitting if two of your Flashes got deleted within 15 days, which is what happened to 2 Men and a Cidnerblock and The Tantrum. So when my 15-day ban was over, I submitted this, Stragne and Extremely. I remember somebody commenting in a review that I was funny, I just needed to work on my animation skills. I think this is true. The Flash involves two guys, Strange and Extremely,
investigating a murder. It was really funny, but the animation wasn't very good (stick people, etc.) It was blammed, of course. I'm thinking about remaking this, and possibly the other 2, animations and submitting them to Newgrounds, maybe in one big collection. If you think that is a good idea, then please say so!

From here on in I turned to KoolMoves, a much simpler animation program than Macromedia Flash. This is where I actually started getting at least competent in Flash.

The Simpsons: A Quiz
This was the first game I ever made. It was made using KoolMoves, as stated above. I submitted it, thinking that it would pass. It was actually quite close to passing, but in the end didn't; however, now I was determined. The quiz was basically a series of Simpsons questions that you had to anser; a quiz! Lol. Anyway, it got the higher score of any of my flashes yet, so I took the comments people left me in my reviews, and some ideas of my own, and made them into another quiz, which would be called...

The Simpsons: A Quiz v.2
Creative, I know. However, that's what it basically was: a version 2 of my previous Simpsons quiz. It took me about three hours to make this thing, so is submitted it, nervous, into the portal. Remember that this was in the days where you could see the score of your movies as the votes came in, and whether it was in the safe zone or not. So, my movie was in the safe zone the whole time through judgment, and when it passed it had a score of 2.42 OUT OF 5.00!!!!! (At least, I'm pretty sure that's what it was. But anyway...) I was so happy that I was the first one out of my group of friends to get an animation past the Portal. I was very happy and exctied, so I decided to make another Flash.

Napoleon Dynamite Sounds
I saw a soundboard and realized that it would be easy for me to make one myself, so I made this. This was very crude, and really wasn't that great, even I can admit nowadays. But when I submitted it I thought it was, and was disappointed with the rather low score of 1.91/5.00 (again, I don't remember the exact score, but it was something like that). I got accused several times of 'not being original', because of course at the time I was unaware of the plethera of Napoleon Dynamite soundboards already on the web. So I was annoyed but not beaten down just yet, as I still had some fight left in me...

The Simpsons Soundboard
I made this because 1) of my love for the Simpsons and 2) because I knew that soundboards were easier to make than quizzes and took less time, so I basically combined my last two submissions into this one (THE SIMPSONS A Quiz v.2 and Napoleon Dynamite SOUNDBOARD). Although I don't know if meant to do this at the time, this is what I did. I also very much wanted a batting average at this time, so I was concerned with getting three submissions in the portal. This took me about three hours to make and I was pretty happy with the final result. I submitted it and in my authour's comments said that I was aiming for a green score (higher than 3.000). While I didn't quite get that, it did end up being my highest-scoring flash yet so I was happy about that and this is when my skill at soundboards started (not to sound to unhumble). I did this again, much better, mind you, in the more recent 'Ultimate Simpsons SB', but I think that this is a good, solid soundboard, that despite its glitches and various problems can appreciated for what it really is.

From Dusk Till Dawn SB
I watched from "From Dusk Till Dawn" before I made this and loved it, so I figured, 'Why not make a soundboard for it?' This soundboard ended up begin pretty successful, but I somewhat regret using that teal colour for the background. However, this was the first soundboard where I included information on the Movie, and I would use this technique in several of my later soundboards. I was pretty happy with the final result of this soundboard, because I learned a lot from making it.

<ExTreme ClOck SoUndboArd
I believe that I got the idea for this while playing TurdClock's Strawberry Clock Soundboard and then I made one of my own. I got Speakonia, typed in a bunch of stuff, put them into the Flash as buttons and voila, I had the soundboard! It was probably the easiest of all of my soundboards so far to make, because I didn't have to download the sounds, just type stuff into a box, export the files as .wav files and put them into teh Flash so that when you pressed the corresponding button, the sound would play.

How To Win Portal Awards
This was a fun Flash to make because it was the closest thing to a movie that I had made so far that had passed. I typed a bunch of stuff in about each portal award and then added a 'voice' feature that enabled you to listen to the commentary (in a StrawberryClock voice, nonetheless) instead of reading it. A cool Flash.

Starship Troopers SB
This was an excellent soundboard that I made, that, I feel, if I could have found more sounds on the internet, would have had a much higher score. I think that it was pretty underrated (as with my much later sound, 'TLOEG Soundboard'), but it was still pretty good. I couldn't find very many sounds, so I included tons of extras in this Flash, including 'Track 13: Java', five short audio clips I made with the FruityLoops 5 Demo. I would later make 'Track 14: Insanity', which would be included in 'TLOEG Soundboard', a soundboard which is very similar to this one (I did model it after this one, after all).

StrawberryClock: SB
The first of my two Clock Day submissions. This was basically like 'ExTreme ClOck SoUndboArd', but a little better, I think. It scored a great 3.74 (I believe) when it passed, because, after all, it was Clock Day, and pretty much everything passes on Clock Day. Myu highest-scoring submission ever, but I guess it's sort of cheap because it was submitted on Clock Day, but whatever. It was good soundboard nonetheless.

Which Clock are You?
The second of my two Clock Day submissions, this was a quiz which you could see which Clock you were most similar to, out of StrawberryClock, OrangeClock, and PineappleClock. I kind of cheated on this submission because I didn't know how to do the code quiz so that it would remember every single one of your answers, so I just made your last answer count, and whatever you answered there would bring you to one of the three Clocks. I said this in my authour's comments. It passed with a great score too (3.56, I believe), becuase, after all, it was Clock Day!

Rotting Brains
Ah yes, I remember Rotting Brains. This was the first actual movie that I made that passed (albeit, barely). It passed with a score of 1.61 or something like that. I had a pretty good menu and extras and scene selection, so maybe that's what made it pass... I don't know for sure. It was pretty badly animated... I just made the stick figures slide across the ground. I was inspired to make this after 'AAMMM BOREEEEEDD!!!!!1two' (sorry if I didn't spell that exactly right,) which I think is one of the most underrated Flash cartoons on Newgrounds (it actually has a pretty good score, but it probably should be higher).

Madagascar Soundboard
Getting back to soundboards, I was on moviewavs.com, and found a whole bunch of sounds for the move 'Madagascar', so I made a soundboard out of it. This was a pretty good soundboard... probably my most polished out of all of the ones I had submitted up to this point. However, since it was for a kids movie, it probably didn't get as a high a score as it could have, had it been for a different movie.

Ultimate Homer Simpson SB
This was the turning point for me. I made this soundboard of Homer Simpson sounds using moviewavs.com and they had a whole bunch. This soundboard ended up getting the highest score of any of my movies to date (save the two Clock Day submissions [however, I think it may have gotten the same score as 'Which Clock Are You?']). It passed with 3.56, I believe, and ended up getting featured in the soundboards collection. I also got a review from Ringfinger, the authour of the 'Ultimate Peter Griffin SB'. However, I regret using that picture of Dr. Nick in the background... but oh well. It still got a high score and was a pretty good soundboard (if I do say so myself :D), so I'm happy about that.

Aliens Soundboard
I was searching for some Aliens sounds one day and found some on a site, so I put them into a soundboard. I like this soundboard, because it's for one of my favourite movies of all time, and also because it's fun to just play around with. I can't for the life of me remember what site I got the sounds from, though.

Yellow Mustard
Some guy posted on the BBS a link to -Frank-'s audio portal music, and I laughed at it. I then decided to make a Flash out of one of the songs: 'Yellow Mustard'. This garnered a small amount of attention and this is one of my more 'cult-ish' submissions.

Steve Irwin: A Tribute
I was saddened by the death of Steve Irwin, so I decided to make a Flash tribute to him. This Flash is basically a slideshow of pictures with music playing in the background. It ended up getting a pretty high score and a bunch of reviews, which I was happy about. R.I.P. Steve Irwin. Rest In Peace. You will be missed!

Psycho Soundboard
This was a collaborative project between BlueBlobClock and I. We made the soundboard and then submitted. He was hoping it to get a score over 3.0000 and was upset when it passed with 2.74/5.00 (or something like that). This was a fairly unique soundboard because it used basically only black, white, and grey in it.

Ultimate Bart Simpson SB
This is one of my most popular submissions, probably due to the fact that 'Ultimate Homer Simpson SB' proved to be pretty popular and people were expecting a sort of sequel to it, which this, to a certain degree, is. I actually included a picture of the person who I have the sounds for, for starters! It had less sounds than 'Ultimate Homer Simpson SB', but that's not a really big problem. There were still plenty. I got the sounds from moviewavs.com again, by the way.

Ultimate Simpsons SB
Somebody told me in a review that I should do a soundboard for Apu, so I did, and included five other characters in the soundboard, too! I also included character bios for three of the six characters. I may do another one of these with as many Simpsons characters as I can find; I haven't decided yet.

ziuQ cisuM
Due to glitches, this quiz didn't end up as well as I hoped it would. The last question in this quiz didn't work; the right answer didn't even appear and was un-clickable, and not even the credits worked! I told people to right-click and press 'Play' at the last question to see the reward (which, I believe, was a picture of something spinning around a sound constantly repeating in the background), but I'm not even sure if that worked.

~- Random Soundboard -~
This soundboard had a uniquely-shaped window and was basically a collection of random sounds from my past soundboards, as well as some other sounds. Also included was an extra of Luigi spinning around with a sound playing in the background repeatedly and credits.

Frenzy's Site Reviews I
I won't say that this was a horrible submission, but this attempt to create failed somewhat. I basically reviewed three sites and then included a voice option to listen to what I wrote in a StrawberryClock voice (a la 'How To Win Portal Awards'). However, I had an overlapping sound problem that if you exited the voice section before it was done talking, it would overlap the menu music! I reviewed Clockcrew.net and had StrawberryClock say, 'ClockCrew.net is the best site ever! BBBBB!!!', or something like that, rather than my actual review, for a bit of humour. I may try and revive this series.

The Scroll Bar!
Back on the old Newgrounds layout (it may still be the same case with the new layout, I'm not sure), when you reached 30 flashes, you got a scroll bar for your flashes in your Newgrounds profile. This was my 30th flash and I decided to celebrate it by making a flash about the scroll in my profile! :D This flash was pretty badly animated (the person, anyway), but whatever.

"Newgrounds Tutorial"
This was a tutorial I made to teach new visitors to Newgrounds about Newgrounds! This submission, I think, was pretty good, although I probably could have added more to it. I couldn't add and/or find certain pictures of certain stuff in the flash, so I had to put in random pictures for some of the sections (view the Flash and you'll know what I mean).

How to Make a Bad Flash
This Flash was pretty funny (at least the example of a bad flash... lol). I made it about how to make a bad movie, sort of continuing the 'How To' series from 'How To Win Portal Awards'. This was sort of a joke submission about how to make a bad flash. I made an example of a bad flash which was basically Grampa Simpson spinning around, a text object saying 'I LIKE CHEESE!!!1' (I believe) going all over the place, and a sound constantly playing in the background.

V Soundboard
Getting back to soundboards now, I made this soundboard of 'V' from the movie 'V for Vendetta'. This soundboard had a pretty distinct style to it, I think. In the 'help' section I tried to use a whole bunch of words that began with the letter 'v', even though I couldn't think of that many. I think (think) that all the text in this Flash was black, white, or red.

Textual Adventures
The first of two parts (maybe more in the future), I made this Flash after seeing or remembering (I don't remember which) a Flash that had everything made out text. I forget what the name of it is, though. :( But anyway, I think that this Flash was probably one of my funniest joke-wise. I like this Flash and improved on the formula (I guess you could call it that) of it slightly in 'Textual Adventures II'.

Leela Soundboard
I found a site with a goldmine of Leela sounds on it (again, I forget what it was called!), perfect for a soundboard. So I put a bunch of them into a soundboard! This soundboard is probably one of my most accessible prank phone call-wise, and I think that this, overall, is a pretty good soundboard, if I do say so myself. :D

Textual Adventures II
I made this on Christmas Eve (I believe) and submitted it on Christmas Eve. This was the sequel to the aforementioned 'Textual Adventures'. I think the graphics are probably better in this Flash than the first 'Textual Adventures'. It still had the same two characters in it (Ryan and Brian), though. There's not much else to say about this Flash. :D MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!

I took a little more than a month's break from making Flash and then submitted this, 'Minefield'. This was a kind of poorly-animated Flash that showed promise, but kind of sucked... sort of. However, the series did take a step in the right direction with...

Minefield I
I submitted this the day after I submitted 'Minefield'. I decided to make 'Minefield' more of a prequel to the series, and this was the first 'official' entry in the 'Minefield' series. This was probably better than the first 'Minefield', this was a pretty cool submission, but it could have been better animated, I guess... I like the menu here, which was inspired by the 'Kill Bill' movies. The music is actually from 'Kill Bill Vol. I', and I wanted to make this Flash like the 'Kill Bill' movies; which I guess I sort of did.

Impossible ImpossibleQuiz
I made this Flash sort of randomly. I think KoolMoves was just open and then I thought of this idea: a guy gets angry when he can't figure out 'The Impossible Quiz'. This Flash includes Buckethead music. :D

Cars: The Soundboard
After a three month, 6 day break from Flash (I don't even know if I came to Newgrounds that much during this period, either), I made this soundboard- Cars: The Soundboard. I believe the sounds are from moviewavs.com again, and this is a pretty good soundboard (if I do say so myself) :D from the Disney/Pixar movie: 'Cars'. A bunch of sounds, etc. are included in this soundboard.

TLOEG Soundboard
Since I only have the KoolMoves Demo (in which you can't save projects [in the demo version, anyway; in the full version of KoolMoves you can save projects]), I had to leave my computer on overnight to finish this Flash. I sort of modeled it after 'Starship Troopers SB', another submission of mine. This is a soundboard for the movie: 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen'. I was disappointed when this soundboard didn't get a higher score, but I guess if it had more sounds it probably would have. This Flash had tons of extras though, much like 'Starship Troopers SB'. It also includes 'Track 14: Insanity', the sequel to 'Track 13: Java', which was featured in 'Starship Troopers SB'; they are basically a bunch of short audio tracks that I made with the Fruity Loops 5 Demo.

- defender -
Another stick movie made by me. I made this after I thought of other flashes with dashes at the ends of their names and wanted to make one myself. I left the ending open for a sequel, which I very may well do in the future. The animation was somewhat like the animation in 'Rotting Brains', an older Flash of mine.

Dress-up the Head
My first attempt at a dress-up game. I asked for the ActionScript for how to make things draggable awhile before I made this, and I got an answer also a while before I made this, but I couldn't make it work. Whenever I tried to, it would just drag the whole screen. However, I followed the directions the user (PVblaa) who had given me the code gave me more closely and discovered it worked! This was my first real experience with ActionScript.

My Creations 6
Element had made a 5-part series called 'My Creations'. I helped with 3-5 in this series. I discovered that I had the layout for it on my comptuer and asked him if I could do a spoof of it. He said sure. This was originally going to be a spoof of the series called 'My Vaccinations', but it ended up being more like another entry in the seires so I ended up just calling it 'My Creations 6' (the full title, however, is: 'My Vaccinations (My Creations 6)'.

Enter Mike
The first in a series of a random story about each character in Kronzo Productions that Element and I started making. This one is about the character Mike (created by h_kronzo) caught giving secrets to the enemy by Trinitrotruleum, who tells other members of Kronzo Productions. Mike is then given the death by Kronzo Productions, who is the judge at the trial. I was originally going call this 'The Tiral' or 'Draw & Order: Mike', or something like that, but then Element came up with the title: 'Enter Mike', so for each other episode we can just call it 'Enter ____' (____= character name). Eventually there will be one called Enter enteR, about the Kronzo character enteR.

* toothbrush
Another series that may be created. I was inspired the TV show 'Robot Chicken' to make this Flash. This is basically a bunch of random events that happen, separated by a TV static picture (from Robot Chicken). The graphics in the Flash weren't bad, I guess. Lots of sound in this Flash.

The following are Flashes that have been blammed after my first Flash passed judgment. I don't know the actual order of these, but I'll do my best to re-create them in the order they were blammed. Also, I may not have all of them here, but these are the ones that I remember.

Luigi Goes Crazy
In several of my Flashes there has been an extra where a picture of someone or something is spinning around and a sound is playing repeatedly in the background. I don't remember exactly what happened in this Flash, but I remember that it involved a picture of Luigi at the end spinning around and a sound playing repeatedly in the background. I believe that it involved that in some way. This Flash was probably blammed due to low quality.

DORITOS!!1 (The title was something like this, anyway)
This Flash involved a Doritos somehow, I don't quite remember what happened in this Flash. I believe the score at death was 1.51/5.00 or something like that.

The One-Man Collab
I made a 'one-man collab' (as I called it), with 3 random skits (four if you include the Easter egg). I don't remember what the score at death of this Flash was. One of the skits involved skateboarding with Three On Speed by NOFX playing in the background, I remember, and then a picture of Napoleon Dynamite popped up and moved side to side with him saying something repeatedly in the background. I believe it was one of his lines from the movie.

Shotgun Dartboard
I tried to make this target-shooting game where you had a gun and you had to shoot at a target. To make it harder, I think I had it move from side to side, or get bigger and smaller... I don't remember which. I think this was blammed due to low quality. I may try and remake this one day, though.

The following submission I deleted:

Disintegration (Later Retitled: Disintegration (BLAM))
This Flash had a pre-loader error or something and didn't work properly, and I tried to fix it once and it still didn't work, so I retitled it 'Disintegration (BLAM)' from its original title 'Disintegration'. However, it still passed! This may just have happened because people didn't even bother going past the pre-loader. I had credited artists from the audio portal, etc., I believe, and had authour's comments and a 46x46 image for the Flash, so people assumed that it worked!

Well, that's it. I still haven't told you about the submissions submitted on my alternate account (Ultimate Newgrounds Quiz!, SBC Soundboard o__O, etc.), Flashes I made but never submitted, etc. I hope that you enjoyed this; it took while to write the whole thing! I was originally going to post this on the BBS before the new layout came but now that it's here, I figure that it would be better to post it on my Newgrounds Userpage. Again, I hope that you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading!

~ Z

Posted by Frenzy - July 21st, 2007

Woah. This is cool.

The new design is here. I was away and I come back and I see the new design. A few things I want to see fixed:

1) I want to be able to see my reviews/ portal buddies

However, it's cool for the most part.