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Not Bad

--The Good--

There were plenty of sounds, and the pictures in the background were pretty good.

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, the sounds were pretty good, but some of them were kind of quiet and sort of muffled. Also, when you scroll over the last row of sounds, the turn white, and yet none of the ohter buttons do that (as far as I know). Why is that?


Overall, I gave you a 6. This isn't a bad soundboard, but it could use some improving.

FattyWhale responds:

really all of the buttons turn white, you just can't see them over the white background. I liked that effect when I saw it which is why I used it.

Pretty Good, actually

--The Good--

There wer absolutely TONS of options in this game. Also, the saviing feature was a nice addition. The drawings of the gutiars were very good, and I also liked that you could cahnge the shape of them.

--The Imporvement-Needing--

Well, I'm almost certain this would have gotten a higher score if it had had some sound. Just a little something in the background probably would have been nice. Also, what did it say on the pre-loader (that's not really a bad thing, I'm just wondering?) Speaking of the pre-loader, maybe it could be spruced up a bit...?


Overall, I gave you a 7. This is pretty good, but it just really needs some sound. Nice job!

gtr-wrkshp responds:

I used winamp while i designed it. much better than a crappy sound loop anyway. You know i had a cable connection and i appreciate low file sizes especialy in flashes that don't need sound...

An Improvement, but still not great

--The Good--

There were lots of sounds, which was an improvement over your last 'Soundstick' (as you call it :). Also, the sounds (at least most of them) only had one character in them, which was good. The picutres of Napoleon and other people were good as well.

--The Improvement-Needing--

The introduction was kind of unimmpressive, and I didn't much are for the menu. Also, I fon't like it that when you scroll over the buttons, they compeltely disappear. You should mae them change colour, or something like that. The jagged line seperating the different buttons (More Characters, Main menu, etc.) from the actual 'sounds' part of the soundboard looked kind of unproffessional and ugly, in my opinion. Instead of having a button for 'Other Characters', maybe you should have had a menu BEFORE going to the sounds, with the different characters on them, and you could press the name of the character you want and it would go to their part of the soundboard. That might have looked more professional and nicer. Also, the buttons for 'My Website', and 'Napoleon Dynamiter Website' didn't work, maybe you could fix that.


Overall, I gave you a 5. This isn't a bad soundboard, and it has lots of sounds, but some other issues kind of crumpled. This is almost definately an improvement over your last one, but it still isn't GREAT.

BlueBlobClock responds:


A Pretty Good Collab

--The Good--

This collab had lots in it, and most of it was pretty substantial (for a collab). The graphics and style were pretty good, I liked the menu (especially when you scroll over the buttons; it looked smotth, and pretty cool, too). The sound waspretty good, and there was some interactivity and violence (yes, violence!)

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, this was good for a collab, but it still wasn't GREAT. I didn't really like the pre-loader that much, and it wasn't really very funny (although I didn't watch all fot ehlast authours' piece; I thout it was over... I might not have watched all of anybody's, actually).


Overall, I gave you a 7. This wasa good collab that could use some improving, but was still pretty good.

wesdood responds:

We deserved a 10. A lot of effort was put into this project young man. We don't need to improve stuff. We're swello like fuck.

Pretty Good

--The Good--

The graphics and stly of this game were pretty good. Also, the game was much longer and overall just better than your last one, so that's good :). The music choice whe you beat the game was good, as there were many music choices. There was somne violence in this flash (which may or may not be a good thing). Also, this flash was pretty funny, and had planty of interactivity.

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, it WOULD be kind of nice if the characters could move... although this is not a huge need it might be nice fi they could move.


Overall, I gave you a 7. This is, actually, a pretty good game, that is actually an improvement over the original. It could use some improving, but, that's just normal!

Aprime responds:

the charectors can more, lol, email me, u make no sense, lol, and add me to favs


A Very Good Soundboard

--The Good--

The main menu was a nice update from the last version of this. I enjoyed the video clips, and I also enjoyed reading the info about Marguerite Perrin. There was lots of interactivity in this game, too. The sound quality was (mostly) clear and not-to-hard to hear. The graphics were pretty good, and the sound was pretty good, too. I also like how you broke the sounds up into categories. Also, when you press on a button, it changes colour, which is nice. Just like with your last one, I liked a lot of the quoes (especially the 'She's not a Christian!! Aahh!!' one).

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, I guess the fact of the matter is that this is just basically the same submission as the first version of this, but with more features. This may or may not be a bad thing. The pictures were good, but the ones on the soundboard were kind of fuzzy and hard to see.


Overall, I gave you an 8. I really enjoyed this soundboard, and I thought that it was better than the first vrsion. Nice job!

FattyWhale responds:

Thanks. I was a little worried about this one, but looks like it turned out alright.

Pretty Good, Actually

--The Good--

This was actually a pretty good soundboard; there were tons of sounds,. I also liked that when you pressed on a sound, it changed to white. Some of the soudns were (I agree with Agak) very funny. I especially liked the "She's not a Christian!" one. That was a very good one, in my opinion. Also, there was some interactivity in this flash, and there was some violence (which may or may not be a good thing).

--The Improvement-Needed--

Well, the black background WAS kind of dull (once again I agree with Agak [although I might not have noticed it if he hadn't mentioned it]). The graphics in this soundboard weren't that great, either... the picture on the second page of sounds was kind of small and fuzzy. This isn't a huge complaint, but I just toguht I;d mention that.


Overall, I gave you a 7. This is, actually, a pretty good soundboard... it just needs some improving! Anyway, nice job!

FattyWhale responds:

It's hard to find good pictures of the bloated bitch unfortunately.

Not Bad

--The Good--

Well, the sound in this soundboard was pretty good. The quality of the sound was good, and so was the way you set the sounds up, which kind of goes in style. Also, I liked the background you used; the many different images of Apu were great! There was some interactivity in this game, and it was pretty funny (as 'The Simpsons' usually is).

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, first of all, when you press the sound above 'Off my Jerky, Turkey' it plays 'Hands off my Jerky, Turkey!' Just a little bug I noticed. Also, there weren't that many sounds. It might also be nice that if you scrolled over the sounds, they eould change colour, or something like that.


Overall, I gave you a 7. It is pretty good, but it could use some improving, like most games/flashes. This isn't bad if this was indeed your second soundboard, but, yes, it couls use some improving. Anyway, nice job!

FattyWhale responds:



--The Good--

Well, there were lots of options in this game. I liked the hats and the shoes, and the heads were kind of humorous. This game had not a bad style to it, either. I liked the shirt the guy was wearing, and his head and face. There was some violence in this game; the blood, and the ninja stars with blood on the end, and the knife with blood on the end. When you stuck it on your guy, it looked pretty realistic, and wasn't animated badly. Also, there was a some interactivity in this flash.

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, first of all, although there was sokme interactivity in this game, there wasn't a lot. It eould have been nice if you could drag the items, not just press arrows (for most of them). Also, I found that sometimes you couldn't click the down arrow; you could only click the up arrow (at the beginning). Maybe you should fix that. Also, there was no sound in this game; it would be nice to have some sound. This game also wasn't very funny.


Overall, I gave you a five. There are good things about this game, and bad things about it too. Obviously, the no sound is not a very good thing. Also, I dont like how you have to press arrows for most of them. This might be okay, but maybe you should make the arrows bigger. However, I sort of liked the style of this movie, and the graphics weren't bad.

Crusty-Wiwuh responds:

With most dressups you have to drag & drop everything, which I think is annoying and pointless for alot of it. It would be difficult to get everything exactly where you want it if it was drag and drop, and it would have been difficult for me to fit all teh items onto the stage. I do agree some of the features on teh selectable stuff could have been left out as drag and drop though... I didn't put everything as drag & drop because mainly I just wanted to practice movie clip control with this game, and also I wanted it to be different to all teh other dressups. I thought it was more proffessional to have selectable clothing.
I didn't really think of having teh selectables on a continuous loop, maybe I'll put that in.
There was music in this - The white box at teh bottom was where you could select teh song. Everyone else found that, but maybe i should put a lil title on the box...

Not a bad platform game

This wasn't a bad platform game, but it could definately use some improving. Like, the music was kind of annoying, it wasn't very fun (I kind of agree with the last reviewer on that point), and, well, it basically just need some improving. It wasn't absolutely terrible, it just needed, well, improving. Which is kind of what I am going to talk about in this review.

The graphics in this game, were, actually, pretty good. It had a nice, sort of light, airy look to it. It wasn't dark, or very tense, either. The whole had that kind of feel around it; nice and airy, carefree, and it wasn't really a big deal if you lost (which could or couldn't have been a good thing). Of course, the grpahics couls use SOME improving, like the enemies were (kind of) hard to see. Although, this sin't a huge complaint, maybe you could make them less hidden next time... or were you aiming for that? Anyway, this was a almost definately a high point in this game.

The style of this game was pretty good too. Like the graphics, the whole thing had a nice, polished touch to it. It was, again, light and airy, with a positive mood towards it. I liked how the enmies moved; especially that one enemy that slides across the ground (although I haven't palyed all of this game). Nice job with this!

The sound in this game was good, but it got kind of repetitive and annoying. There were, I think, many better music options out thee for you to put in your game, not that kind of twangy, annoying beat. Just search the audio portal! Anyway, I gave sound a 7 because it definately fit the game, and some people might like it, but I personally didn't like it very much.

There was a little violence in this game. The jumping on the enmies was the obvious one (and quite possibly the only one). The violence wasn't really that graphic, though, so I only gave you a 4. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, though, and it fit the whole kind of light and airy feel of the game. So, in short, I can't really say, "Nice!", or something to that effect in this category (is there such a thing as 'nice' violence [maybe...]) Anyway...

There was a lot of interactivity in this game. Well, sort of a lot... if you get what I mean. I mean that there were probably more combinations you could have used (more button combinations, maybe...) You could have used more buttons, and maybe a crouch button...? Just a thought. Anyway, once again, I can't really say "Nice job!" here, well... actually... I guess I kind of can... Nice job!

And, finally, humour, which there was (probably) none of. Once again, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Although, I probably would have expected a game like this to be at least KIND OF funny, it wasn't really a big deal.

Overall, I thought that this was a pretty good platform game. Although I didn't paly through all of it, it could have used some more button options maybe (like a crouch button...) The grpahics and style of this were pretty good. It could use some improving, like the fun factor (and probably some other things that I didn't even notice), but for the most part, this was a pretty good platform game. Good job!

Sk8erGirl14 responds:

Wow, I appreciate the nice long review...

...This was a first for me, I wasn't trying to overstep myself on the first time around...I learned a lot since making this and I plan on developing other games...

...I chose the Chiptune Music cause Im a fan of it...I like Old Skool game music...there could have been other choices for it...

...there is a crouch key in the game, it simply is the DOWN ARROW...this is pivital to the game because it allows the game character to slide, and if you played through the game you would have had to use it to get the Shoe Power Up to jump higher...

...but anyway, like I said, this was a first for me...and things will only get better...

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