
1,090 Movie Reviews

417 w/ Responses

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A Great Movie

--The Good--

The graphics and style in this were great. Also, the sounds were great, and the music kind of fit the mood of the movie well, I thought. There was some violence in this movie, too, which may be good or bad. The pre-loader was great (I really liked it!) The menu was very nicely done; it looked nice. Also, this flash was kind of funny in parts.

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, I noticed that, when going to a different page in the menu, you had to wait for the page to fully 'load', before you could go back. Alothugh not a huge complaint, that was kind of annoying. Also, I didn't watch every single one of these... I don't how many I did watch. I don't know if many people are going to have the patience to sit through every single one of these, though.


Overall, I gave this flash an 8. This is a very good flash. The pre-loader and menu looked very nice, and the graphics and style of this movie were pretty good, too. I think that a lot of Newgrounds members/faculty are really going be happy you made this. Good job!

My 100'th Review!

--The Good--

Well, first of all, this was an absolutely hilarious flash movie! I've watched it many times, and when I watched it again for this review, it was still kind of funny! The sound quality was great... it wasn't fuzzy or hard-to-hear at all. There was some violence in this flash... actually quite a lot (which may or may not be a good thing ;). The 'PLAY' and 'REPALY' buttons were nice additions, too. This flash was also a nice length. Also, the oices were very well-done in my opinion.

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, the graphics weren't very good at some points. this isn't a huge deal, but I just thought I'd mention that. Also, in that seen when he's with the girl, wehere did that naked body come from? I realize this flash is supposed to be kind of random (I think), but I'm just wondering.


Overall, I gave this a 9. This is a fantastic flash movie. Despite the kind of average graphics (at some points), it is actually a hilarious movie! (I had to puase this movie in the middle, but I've watched it so many times... just thought I'd mention that.) Great job! I hope you work on more flash!

Not very good at all... sorry...

--The Good--

Well, I guess the Simpsons look very, very cool, so I guess that's a good thing. The sound quality wasn't terrible, either. The style of this was okay... as I said above, the Simpsons look very, very cool. Also, it's cool that you managed to find so many video clips of various members the Simpson family picking up telephones. The timing was okay, I guess, for the talking and speaking, although the Simpsons didn't lip-synch (of course) to your voice.

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, first of all, the picture quality was fuzzy and kind of har dto see. The Simpsons look cool, but, I mean, it's hard to say they look cool when they're all fuzzy like that. Also, you didn't even do any of your own animation, so that kind of wrecks it, too. There wasn't any interactivity in this flash at all (not even a play button). There wasn't really any violence in this flash, except for when Homer (and probably some other people) scream... but that (the fact that it doesn't have a lot of violence) may or may not be a good thing. This flash wasn't very funny at all to me, either.


Overall, this was not a very good flash at all. You really need to improve. The fuzzy picture quality, the fact that you didn't even really animate anything yourself, just kind of mkaes this flash not really worth watching at all. The sound was okay, I could kind of understand it. So, just overall improve! The good things about this flash were that it was cool that you could find so many clips of the Simpon family members picking up telephones, and the timing of them picking up the phone and talking was kind of on par with when the voice came on. You need to really improve, though.

Very good

--The Good--

First of all, this is simply a great flash movie. The graphics in this movie were smooth, and they weren't choppy at all really. Also, I liked how you made the two locks into sprites. The style in this movie was great, too. The sound in tihs movie was excellent; you could understand pretty much everything that they were saying, and the choices of music were very good (especially that music at the end :). There was quite a lot of violence in this flash; the murdering of the Fingerlock (I don't know if that's his name for sure) counted for some of it, and they burning of the Babyloglock, and the fight between Breatfruitlock and Masterlock and the end (are the 'l's in 'lock' capitalized in the lock's name's?) There was some interactivity in this movie, too. The menu was great. I haven't watched the extras, but I've seen the whole movie (but I haven't watched the credits :P). The subtitles in this flash were great, and good for people who can't understand what the locks in this movie are saying, and this flash was also pretty funny. Oh, and I love your pre-loader!

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, though the graphics were good, the only problem I had with them was that when they were in the time vortex, all of a sudden the graphics became low quality! That's not a huge complaint, but I just thought I'd mention that (was it on purpose...?) Also, when they were in the time vortex, you couldn't hear what they were saying at all (were they even saying anything...?)


Overall, this is a great flash ovie. The graphics and style were great, and the sound was great, too. I love your pre-loader, also! The menu was a good addition to this flash, and there was some violence in this flash (which may or may not be a good thing...) You can improve on a few minor issues (the low quality graphics in the time portal, and, also, you can't hear what they're saying in the time portal [or was that on purpose, or were they even saying anything?]). But, overall, this is a great flash!

MasterLock responds:

Thank you my kind sir.

1. "Fingerlock" is known as PeaceLock.
2. Yes, the L in "lock" is usually capitalized in names.
3. The preloader was made by UnknownClock, it's kind of the official Lock Day preloader, since most locks are using it for their movies.

Improvement-wise: Yes, the graphics were supposed to be set to low for the time vortex scene; as it runs very very laggily if it's on high, and I never really tried medium, to tell the truth. Also, they weren't saying anything, I just made subtitles, and synched the lock movements to what I think it would normally be like, because the music was loud and such.

Long story short, the time vortex issues you had were completely on purpose, due to laggy computers and loud music and stuff. (Also, if the quality had been set higher, the music would mess up, since it is set to stream (flash terminology :L).)

Not very good

--The Good--

Well, I guess the font you used was okay, and you used nice big sizes, so it was easy to see. The sound was actually pretty good, and there was a little bit of interactivity in this (the 'PLAY' and 'REPLAY' buttons), although the wasn't a lot... but it doesn't really matter, this is a movie not a game.

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, first of all, I didn't really like the black background... it was kind of bland and boring. I know (I think) it was meant to be 'mysterious', but it wasn't really that great. Also, I don't really belive this flash at all... I mean, if there were no MOD's on when the topic was locked, couldn't somebody have locked that, and then immediatly gone off the BBS? Also, hwo do you know it was Shrapnel that locked that topic? Also, did you really E-mail Wade about that (it's not that I don't believe you about that, I'm just wondering). Also, this flash wasn't really very funny at all, and there wasn't really any violence in this at all (not that that's a bad thing, I guess...) Also, while I (kind of) liked the font, and you made it a big size (sometimes), there wasn't really any animation in this flash at all, it was mostly just images and text, and kind of cool effects.


Overall, I gave you a 4. I didn't really like this flash, sorry. You could do a lot of improving in this flash, like the animation (as there wasn't really any), and the black background. However, there were some good things about this flash, like the music wasn't bad, and the big font wasn't bad either. However, you can improve.

Not bad, but...

--The Good--

Well, I liked it, actually. I thought some of the pictures in the background were humerous, and I thought that it was kind of funny to see Samuel L. Jackson bopping around like that. The picture of the female Ronald McDonald was kind of funny, and the thing about is that it may not have been a great flash with great graphics or anything, but it still passed, and I still kind of enjoyed it! Also, I like your pre-loader. The music in this flash was pretty good, too.

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, obviously, most of your flashes with the roman numeral's in them are pretty much the same thing, but with a different picture in. Most of them have all the same backgrounds, pre-loader, and probably some more things that are the same (from what I know). There wasn't a lot of interactivity in this (except the 'PLAY' and 'REPLAY' buttons'), but that isn't really a big deal, as this is a movie, not a game. Also, there wasn't a lot of violence in this flash (which isn't a big deal either).


Overall, I gave you a 6. This was actually not a bad flash, but it's kind of the same thing over and over again, just with a ifferent picture of somebody bopping around. I liked the music in this flash, and I also liked the pre-loader. There wasn't a lot of violence in this flash, or interactivity, but it doesn't really matter.

Bbqbeefburgerman responds:

I refuse to believe such statements

Pretty Good

--The Good--

This was a pretty good movie. First of all, I thought that the graphics were very, very good in this movie. They were light and almost definately a sight for sore eyes ( ;). The style was also very good in this movie; I liked the light, airiness kind of fell that the cloks have. There was some violence in tihs movie (verbal aggression), and there was a little bit of interactivtity (I think there was a 'PLAY' button...) Also, the subtitles were pretty much right on cue with the voices. Actually, overall, I just tought that this was a very goos submission!

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, first of all, I was dissappointed that the clocks didn't actually have clock's voices! It is my personal opinion that most clocks should have voices made with Speakonia... not normal voices! It kind of takes the 'clock' out of 'clock' in a way! But, I gave sound an 8 anyway, because the sound was of good quality, and was easy to hear and understand. The movie wasn't really very long, and it wasn't very funny, either.


Overall, I thought that this was a pretty good submission that needed some improving, but was still good for what it was. I thought that it was too short, and that the voices of clocks didn't sound 'clock-ish' enough, but that's just my personal opinion. Anyway, this was a pretty goos submission that looked very nice, and had a great style to it too! Nice job!

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