When I saw the title of this flash in the 'Top 5 Most Recent Submissions' on the home page of Newgrounds, I thought I was going to be able to make my own story, but no. It was a 'stick figure' animation (I guess you could call them stick figures). The graphics were very average, and the ocean background was kind of stretched, but it still wasn't bad. The text was kind of hard to read on the background sometimes (what the auhour was saying, espeically), and waht the gree stick was saying wa skind of small, but it was read-able (so that's not huge complaint) I like the music, though. Howeve,r you SHOULD have a pre-loader, but at least you had a 'PLAY' and 'REPLAY' buttons. Oh, and what was up with that 'VIEW COMMENTS' thing at the end?