
580 Game Reviews

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An Excellent Game

--The Good--

The sound in this game was absolutely superb. You could hear everything pretty much perfectly, and the guitars and drums were great. Even in the speaking parts of this game, everything sounded great; nice job! There was also A LOT of interactivity in this game; the ability to create-your-own-beat (which is basically the whole game) was great and very fun. The graphics were actually pretty good... the guitars and drums were drawn very well, as were the musicians, and the people in the 'Dude!!' section of this game. There was some violence in this flash... the 'Dude!!' section once again, which may or may not be a good thing...

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, I think it would have been a nice addition to have a singer, or have one of the guitarists singing. The ability to wite out your own lyrics, and hear the guys singing them would be cool. Maybe even a voice selector, out of many options...?. Oh well, for, 'Punk-O-Matic 2' (if it ever [and hopefully] gets made]). Also, the 'Dude!!' section of this game, while pretty well-animated, seemed slightly pointless too me. I'm not saying it sholudn't be there, I just think that it's kind of random... which is kind of a good thing, depending on how you look at it. There wasn't a lot of humour in this flash, whcih doesn't really matter, I guess. Also, more than 3 save slots would be nice, but that's (Kind of) just a minor complaint... I found myself wanting to save all of the beats I created!


Overall I gave this game a 9. This is a superb game that is very fun to play, too. The sound and graphics and style in this game were great. There was tons of interactivity in this gmae, too. It could use A LITTLE improving (maybe a lyrics maker, and maybe some mroe save slots), but those are just minor additions you could add to the game. Nice job!


--The Good--

Well, there were lots of options in this game. I liked the hats and the shoes, and the heads were kind of humorous. This game had not a bad style to it, either. I liked the shirt the guy was wearing, and his head and face. There was some violence in this game; the blood, and the ninja stars with blood on the end, and the knife with blood on the end. When you stuck it on your guy, it looked pretty realistic, and wasn't animated badly. Also, there was a some interactivity in this flash.

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, first of all, although there was sokme interactivity in this game, there wasn't a lot. It eould have been nice if you could drag the items, not just press arrows (for most of them). Also, I found that sometimes you couldn't click the down arrow; you could only click the up arrow (at the beginning). Maybe you should fix that. Also, there was no sound in this game; it would be nice to have some sound. This game also wasn't very funny.


Overall, I gave you a five. There are good things about this game, and bad things about it too. Obviously, the no sound is not a very good thing. Also, I dont like how you have to press arrows for most of them. This might be okay, but maybe you should make the arrows bigger. However, I sort of liked the style of this movie, and the graphics weren't bad.

Crusty-Wiwuh responds:

With most dressups you have to drag & drop everything, which I think is annoying and pointless for alot of it. It would be difficult to get everything exactly where you want it if it was drag and drop, and it would have been difficult for me to fit all teh items onto the stage. I do agree some of the features on teh selectable stuff could have been left out as drag and drop though... I didn't put everything as drag & drop because mainly I just wanted to practice movie clip control with this game, and also I wanted it to be different to all teh other dressups. I thought it was more proffessional to have selectable clothing.
I didn't really think of having teh selectables on a continuous loop, maybe I'll put that in.
There was music in this - The white box at teh bottom was where you could select teh song. Everyone else found that, but maybe i should put a lil title on the box...


--The Good--

Well, first of all, there were plenty of options to make different scenes in this movie. There seemed to be infinite heads, and weapons, and blood options (kind of), and probably more stuff. I love the style of Madness guys, too. I just think that they are so... unique, and intersting looking. There was plenty of interactivity in this movie (due to all of the different weapons and stuff there was to use in the scene). Also, I really like the music from Mission Impossible. It's pretty awesome. The grpahics in this flash weren't bad, and there was plenty of violence (not that that's a good thing, or is it...?)

--The Improvement-Needed--

Well, first of all, your pre-loader looks pretty bad. It looks unprofessional and lackadaisical. The way it is split in half; not very good (or at least I didn't like it). Also, the cursor moves too slowly; you should make it go at the pretty much normal speed that a typical cursor goes at. Your menu isn't very obvious, either. I don't think many people would realize that you have to press the drawing to move on to the scene creator (I had to right-click play the first time I played this). Also, the screen for making your scene is too small; you should ake it bigger. And, also, I don't like how ost of the heads are on their side, and how the bodies automatically turn vertically when yo drag them; corpses don't usually stand up. I gave you a 1 in humour because of the speech-boxes.


Overall, I gave you a 5 (in the review :). You definately need to improve on this (like the slow cursor, the veritcally-turning bodies, etc.) Some aspects of the soundboard are good, like the music (although you could use the full song from Mission: Impossible movie). You have made many versions of these, too. And, I'm guessing, that with each of these, you are getting better.

Not a bad platform game

This wasn't a bad platform game, but it could definately use some improving. Like, the music was kind of annoying, it wasn't very fun (I kind of agree with the last reviewer on that point), and, well, it basically just need some improving. It wasn't absolutely terrible, it just needed, well, improving. Which is kind of what I am going to talk about in this review.

The graphics in this game, were, actually, pretty good. It had a nice, sort of light, airy look to it. It wasn't dark, or very tense, either. The whole had that kind of feel around it; nice and airy, carefree, and it wasn't really a big deal if you lost (which could or couldn't have been a good thing). Of course, the grpahics couls use SOME improving, like the enemies were (kind of) hard to see. Although, this sin't a huge complaint, maybe you could make them less hidden next time... or were you aiming for that? Anyway, this was a almost definately a high point in this game.

The style of this game was pretty good too. Like the graphics, the whole thing had a nice, polished touch to it. It was, again, light and airy, with a positive mood towards it. I liked how the enmies moved; especially that one enemy that slides across the ground (although I haven't palyed all of this game). Nice job with this!

The sound in this game was good, but it got kind of repetitive and annoying. There were, I think, many better music options out thee for you to put in your game, not that kind of twangy, annoying beat. Just search the audio portal! Anyway, I gave sound a 7 because it definately fit the game, and some people might like it, but I personally didn't like it very much.

There was a little violence in this game. The jumping on the enmies was the obvious one (and quite possibly the only one). The violence wasn't really that graphic, though, so I only gave you a 4. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, though, and it fit the whole kind of light and airy feel of the game. So, in short, I can't really say, "Nice!", or something to that effect in this category (is there such a thing as 'nice' violence [maybe...]) Anyway...

There was a lot of interactivity in this game. Well, sort of a lot... if you get what I mean. I mean that there were probably more combinations you could have used (more button combinations, maybe...) You could have used more buttons, and maybe a crouch button...? Just a thought. Anyway, once again, I can't really say "Nice job!" here, well... actually... I guess I kind of can... Nice job!

And, finally, humour, which there was (probably) none of. Once again, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Although, I probably would have expected a game like this to be at least KIND OF funny, it wasn't really a big deal.

Overall, I thought that this was a pretty good platform game. Although I didn't paly through all of it, it could have used some more button options maybe (like a crouch button...) The grpahics and style of this were pretty good. It could use some improving, like the fun factor (and probably some other things that I didn't even notice), but for the most part, this was a pretty good platform game. Good job!

Sk8erGirl14 responds:

Wow, I appreciate the nice long review...

...This was a first for me, I wasn't trying to overstep myself on the first time around...I learned a lot since making this and I plan on developing other games...

...I chose the Chiptune Music cause Im a fan of it...I like Old Skool game music...there could have been other choices for it...

...there is a crouch key in the game, it simply is the DOWN ARROW...this is pivital to the game because it allows the game character to slide, and if you played through the game you would have had to use it to get the Shoe Power Up to jump higher...

...but anyway, like I said, this was a first for me...and things will only get better...

A Great Soundboard

This was a great soundboard, for many reasons. There was a plethera of sounds to play around with, most of them were either pretty good or pretty funny, and you obviously worked hard on this. Good job! It might need a little bit of improving, like most flashes/games, but it was still a great soundboard; good job!

The graphics in this soundboard were, actually, pretty good. I liked the bakcground you chose, and the way you had the sounds set-up and layed-out. It was a nice set-up, and almost definately enhanced the whole feel of the soundboard. One thing that might have improved it was that you should put a 'STOP ALL SOUNDS' label uner the picture of that fish; this might just be me, but I couldn't figure out how to stop the sounds! This isn't a huge complaint, though, just a suggestion.

The style of this soundboard was very good. As I said before, I liked the background, and the way it was set-up was nice. There were so many sounds (I think I mentioned this before( which made it enjoyable. There were more sounds for Spongebob than anybody else, but I suppose that this is kind of a given, as he is the main character, after all. Anyway, the stlye was pretty good in this soundboard. Nice job!

The sound of this soundboard was very good as well. The sound-quality was very good; none of them (that I listened too, at least) were scratchy or not understandable. There was a little glitch, though (I probably wouldn't have noticed this if one of the otehr eviewers before hadn't mentioned this, but still), when you press on the same sound many times, it gets all, well, scratchy, and kind of fuzzes out after a bit (at laeast I think it fuzzes out...) It isn't a big deal, as many of the things you need to improve on in this soundboard are, but I just thought I'd mention that.

There was practically no violence in this soundboard at all. However, there was no need for much violence in this soundboard. I gave violence a 1 because of verbal aggression; there wasn't a lot (and there might not have been any...), but, just in case there was, I'll just give it a 1.

There was lots of interactivity in this movie. Of course, like most soundboards, you had buttons, but there were over (or about) 75 sounds in this particular soundboard, so there was lots of intercativity. This should probably go in the soudns section, but just in case, some of the sounds went on too long, and/or had more than one character in them. Just something I thought I should mention.

And, finally, humour. There was plenty of humour in this soundboard. Spongebob Squarepants is supposed to be a funny show, and this soundboard is funny too. You picked plenty of good quotes (although some of them were too long or contained more than one character, but I've already mentioned that). I don't think
people would use this for prank phone-calling people, but more as kind of a funny quote soundboard for Spongebob Squarepants. Anyway, it was pretty funny (from what I listened too), so nice job!

Overall, this was a very good soundboard, with tons of quotes. The multiple characters were good in this soundboard, as were many other things. Some things needed improving, but overall, it was a very good soundboard. Nice job!

FattyWhale responds:

Thanks for the really long review :o The stop all sounds button was the fish's face I believe. Thanks for the longest review I've ever gotten!

This is a Great Soundboard

Soundboards are typically not that good. Either they don't have enough sounds, or the sound isn't of very good quality, or they just plain aren't fun to use. I am happy to tell you that your soundboard does not fall into any of those three categories. This is a great soundboard; it is fun to use, it looks pretty good, and there is a lot of detail in this for a soundboard. Great job!

The graphics in this soundboard are great as far as soundboards go. I love it that when you scroll over the sounds, they turn white so you know that that's the one you're about to click on. I also liked the font you chose, and the background was very good too. There were tons of sounds, and the pizza prank was a nice additon (I think).

Style-wise, this is excellent. The 'Stop All Sounds' button is fantastic. I love it that when you press on that, it kind of moves in and twists. I thought that was really cool. As I mentioned above, I really like the background you chose to use... and the variety of the sounds was nice too.

Sound-wise, this was great as well. The quality of the sounds were very good; I could hear basically all of them clearly and none of them were fuzzy or to loud or to quiet. As I've mentioned before, I really like the variety of the sounds you put in. You have most of the great Strawberry Clock quotes, as well as few extras. The pre-loader was pretty cool too (do you speak Spanish?)

As far as violence goes, there wasn't a lot of it, but there was a little. I gave violence a 4 because of verbal violence. Not because of shooting things and blowing things up, but because of verbal aggression. Since this can (and probably will be) used for prank calls, I gave violence a 4, for, well, I'll say it again, verbal aggression.

Interactivity there was tons of. The cornucopia of sounds made this a great factor with the interactivity. I definately enjoyed all of those sounds, and they were a great additon to the whole feel of the soundboard. It kind of had a very light, sort of fun feel to it. I think that this fit the soundboard perfectly. It wasn't dark or anything like that. Good job with the interactivity.

And finally, humour. This soundboard was really very funny. The quotes were, quite frankly, hysterical (at least some of them were). You got pretty much all of the great Strawberry Clock quotes and put them into one great soundboard.

Overall, I thought that this was fantastic soundboard. It was nice to lookat, it had a lot of sounds, and it was fun (and probably other things too). Great job!

An Amazing Game

This was an amazing game. The graphics wre fantastic, the way it was set-up was fantastic... almost everything was fantastic! And, another thing that seperates this game from most is that it is actually a challenge in places! This game looks great, is fun to play (for the most part), and is overall just a great game. Good job!

I have never played the original 'Johnny Rocketfingers' (yet...) However, I don't feel I really need to right now. Well, perhaps 'need' isn't the right word for it... well, maybe 'feel like I have to' is a more appropriate 5-letter 'phrase' for it. This game was a big challenge... I might want to beat this one, before I go on to the next one!

The game played smoothly. The way all of the characters moved was absolutely great; the anmiation wasn't jerky or anything like that. One problem I had with this game is that I could not click anywhere on Johnny's walking segments, I could only click in click-able areas. This is not a huge complaint, but in 'Johnny Rocketfingers 3' (if it ever gets made), you should make that a feature of it.

That last paragraph basically led right into this one. The 'style paragraph'. I am pleased to say that this is one of the most 'stylish' games/movies I have ever played/seen. However, depending on your definition of 'stylish', some people might not agree with me. For me, style usually means how smooth the game/movie is, if it chugs along or not, and basically just how it looks... and by that I don't mean the graphics; I mean how the backgrounds look from a distance, the fading and other kinds of effects and how they fit in with the game/movie, etc. But some people might take 'stylish' and say it means, 'How sweet the game was', among other things. I gave style a 10 because I think that it was absolutely fantastic.

The music was very good too. It definately fit in, and it had a nice, sort of 'subtlety' to it. It wasn't too loud, and it was probably better that you chose to go with text instead of speech, because the speech might have been hard to hear over the music. I thought that this was great additon to the overall effect of the game, and other things of course. If you did ever want to go with speech, you should probably turn the music down a little.

In the violence category, I gave you a 9. There is a lot of violence in this game, but it isn't entirely composed of violence. Also, I gave you the score of 9, based on how graphic the violence was, and how blood-filled the game was. It wasn't very blood-filled, but it definately had more than a little (especially in one of the scenes near the beginning; but I'll leave that for you, the player, to find out, if you haven't already). The violence was pretty graphic; in the same scene I described before, it even shows one of the 'T.H.U.G.S.' bones breaking. This isn't a bad thing, though, and I think it fits in well with the rest of the game, and the feel of the game.

There was plenty of interactivity in this game. The ability to walk around (in a way) helped it, and the ability to talk/eat, grab/attack, and look at helped the game too. In the way of combining items, I had one small problem with it. If you have 2 items and they are one row (or more) below the other thing you want to combine with, you can't combine them. This frustrated me, as I would (probably) basically have to restart the whole game, in order to combine those two items. Also, a 'save' feature would have been nice; although it probably woudn't be a necessity, I think it would definately add to the game. This is defiantely not a must-have, though, as it might take away from the game, depending on how you did it. Again, 'Johnny Rocketfingers 3'...

And last, but not least, humour. There wasn't a lot of it, although there were a few mildly humerous lines in it (like the bug under the mat joke, and then later insulting the bug under the mat joke). I definately did not find this game hilarious, though. But it isn't a big deal.

Not bad

First-Impression: As I started this game, I noticed that it started automatically; there was no pre-loader. That probably wasn't a very good sign. I played the first hole, and completely didn't get it! After another try at it, though, I seemed to get it.

Graphics: The graphics in this movie were actually pretty good. They were almost definately beter than I thought they would be. They had sort of a light, wispy look to them. Good job with these!

Style: The style was actually very good as well. Once again, the whole thing seemed to have a very light, loose feel to it. Good job with these too!

Sound: This was definately one thing I would have liked to have. Most games need sound. if you had included some nice, easy music, or even just the sounds of some birds chirping, that would have improved the game. It would also have been nice to have sounds, say, when the ball hit the wall; you want to hear a 'crack', or something like that. Also, maybe a suction noise when the ball went into those weird tubes that suck in your ball.. version two...?

Violence: Of course, there was no violence in this game at all. It isn't a bad thing, seeing as this i s a mii-putt game.

Interactivity: There was tons of interactivity in this game; more than most other games. The fact that you can control how hard you hit the ball, among other things (though not many; don't take that as an insult), made this a huge advantage to this game.

Humour: This game didn't need any humour. It was just kind of... fun.

Overall: Good job. It could definately use some improving, like the lack of sounds needs attending too, and maybe some extras, or an instructions menu? I had trouble understanding what to do with this game at first, but I eventually got it. And why are the holes (that I got oo, at least) Par 3's? Anyway, nice job, but it could definately use some improving.

NinjaOnFire responds:

Well thanks for the positive review, but I dunno what you are talking about, there is a pre-loader.

An Amazing Game

This game blew me away. It was stunning with its presentation, its sound, its graphics... mostly everything was amazing. The whole experience... how it draws you in from the first fire of your gun, is amazing. The game actually makes you fell like you are in the game. I don't really think any other flash game has given me that kind of experience before (granted, not all flash games are meant to do that, but still). So, in short, just... wow.

I had heard of this game before I found it here on Newgrounds. I am assuming it is an extremely popular flash game, because of the point above. The main menu is great. It makes you want to play the game. The drawing of the bunny looks great in a sort of 3D-ish style, and the text is attractive and rough at the same time. The button at the beginning, 'Press Start', had me confused for a moment, but then I understood you had to click it and, well, clicked it! And everything just flowed from then on.

From the opening sequence when you had to shoot the bears, it was very fun experience. You start with two uzis and blast away at virtually anything. (You need to conserve ammo, but you get my point.) You shoot two bears, and then the real fun starts. Those bunny robots come up and you have to shoot them; that's very fun. But, let's get on with it.

As you can see from my score, graphics are very good. The 3D-ish style of them give the game a sort of, 'look', that I can't really specify. But, you know what I mean. Also something to comment on is the way the robotic bunnies move; they flow seemingly freely . That's a good thing, and other games that are in first-person (like this) should take a hint from this game about how to make the enemies/characters move. But, let's get on with it.

The style for this game is unique. You don't se much 3D flash, but this game is in 3D. It gives the game, as I mentioned above, a, 'look.' A good look though. The animation of the guns, the
enemies and your character (among other things) look great style-wise.

Sound was great too. The sounds of guns firing everywhere; the sheer insanity of it all... just made it... GOOD. The bullets flying everywhere, the overall effect of the noises, just amde the sound one of the main features in the game, and believe me, it is very good.

Violence there was a lot of, due to the fact that that is pretty much all this game is about! I gave you an 8 because the violence isn't graphic, and there is no blood, but the violence was prevalent, and for that, of course, I gave you an 8.

Interactivity might not need its own paragraph, but I'll give it one anyway. There was quite a bit of interactivity in this game (not a big surprise, but I'll mention it anyway). The cnotrols were pretty much top-notch. Using the left mouse-clicker for the right gun and using the 'D' key for the left was probably a good decision. The only problem I had with the controls is that I often got confused in all the madness whether to press 'W' (to pick up a weapon), or 'D' (to firew the left weapon). It's not a big complaint, but I just thought I'd mention it.

And finally, humour, there was none of. It's not a bad thing in a game like this, which (I would think) is trying to be serious, so it's not a bad thing you got a 0... don't worry! ;)

Overall, I thought this game was great. It was fun, had good graphics, good sound... it had a cool style too. This game is a great game, and if you enjoy first-person shooters, you should
probably play this game right now. It's a great game.

Sorry, I didn't really enjoy this

I didn't really enjoy this. Sorry. There are many places you have to 'patch up'. The graphics are sort of sub-par and I don't really understand the whole plot of the story. You have made plenty of flashes/games; I don't know if this one was one of your first or not. If it was, this might be excusable, but, if it was one of your later flashes, you should really improve.

Graphics are a very important of (most) flash movies. Of course, there are a few exceptions (as I mentioned above), but most have to have at least half-decent graphics. This one doesn't really have very great graphics; they are mediocre. Of course, (most) graphics aren't going to be perfect, but most should be, again, good, or at least a little more than average. These really aren't. They are pretty much dead on the average line.

Style-wise, this I'll give you a little bit more in than graphics because there was some style to this game. I guess the way you did the buttons to move the text forward was okay, and I didn't mind the character designs. When people die and/or fall over, though, try and make them not turn 2D-ish and sort of slump down on to the floor; make them more 3D-ish and have them fall backwards... I realize this may sound like a hard task, but it will probably improve your flashes!

Sound waasn't bad, and it was maybe even pretty good. The quality of the sound was average, I guess, but you adjusted the volume down approprietly, and it worked. The music wasn't blaring at you, it was nice and, well, not soft, but... right, I guess you could say. The choice of music was probably pretty right for the spots in the game where music was included.

Violence there was some of. The gun part and the blood counted for some of it, as did the tying-up scene. On the note of the tying-up scene, I couldn't get past it! Where's the place you're talking about to 'disable the trap?' Anyway, yes; there was some violence.

For interactivity there was a more than average (from what I played). You could click the text, and the gun scene counted as interactivity. That's pretty much all there really is to say about interactivity.

And last, humour; there was none. But, it doesn't really matter in a game like this... it's not supposed to be funny, it's supposed to be serious.

This was average, overall. The pretty good sound, and above average style counted towards some of the points, and the graphics took away from some of the points (don't get me wrong, I don't overall my score with points... I'm just sort of saying that metaphorically, if you understand what I mean). I don't really dispise the graphics in this game, I just think they could use some improving. Anyway, overall, it was average. If you improved it, I think it could actually be pretty good.

Aprime responds:

lol, thanks, review my other stuff, all of it, lol, that will take u days

thanks for the review


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